So, for the past two weeks we have had prophetic assignments that we've worked on.
Explanation: each student and some staff were given a number. This number represented a person-none of us knew who this person was. We were to pray about this person and ask God to speak to us for them. Then, according to our different tracks, to create a piece, (dance, song, painting, etc.) that spoke to them what the Lord had inspired us to create from.
For my person I got a clear scene in my head and created a dance out of it. Though I was nervous and wasn't sure about this-it was awesome how God was so specific and the dance was perfect for the person who received it.
Then there was JoEllen. She's a fellow American and though she's from Wisconsin and we do have differences, it's amazing how we actually relate a lot. JoEllen is in the acting track and decided to make a video for her person. God gave her a story line and some specific words. She asked me if I could be in her video-as she needed some help. I enjoy acting very much, and making films, so I said, "Sure!"
"Wouldn't it be funny if you're in it and it's for you?" JoEllen asked me.
I laughed, "Yeah, that would be funny."....yeah, you know where this is going. ;o)
On Friday when we showed each other our pieces and it got to JoEllen, I was excited-I was in this! Then they called the name who it was for-- "Beth."
Me: What?! haha.
I sat down and is the link to the video-watch and then read the rest:
After I watched this I was a bit confused, but I also understood some things from the video. I laughed when I watched myself chasing myself....I realized- I'm the one who puts the labels on myself. And the hand in the video that slaps the post it on? Yep, mine. And who wrote those words on the post its for JoEllen? Yep, me. And the fact that is was JoEllen "being me," allowed me to receive the video more than if it had been someone else I think. I thought about the video and prayed with someone after that God would give me clarity about it.
Testimony. God is doing what was happening in the video-He has and is always completing to write on my heart my identity in Him. I realized I try to pull those labels off myself, I know I don't walk in the lies of the enemy. Yet God has been teaching me that I can pull those labels off, but they'll still be there unless I allow God to write His truth on my heart. God has been romancing me here in Norway-He's such a glorious God, and yet He comes close and pulls me into His heart and shows me how much He loves me.
This video has already touched people in Belfast (!) and I know will speak to many more. I am so grateful that God not only pays attention to me, He works specifically in my life to give me just what I need. He wants to do the same for you. God is speaking-will you pause and allow yourself to rest in Him. Listen to His words of love-
"Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love." ~Jesus
You are Beloved.