Saturday, January 19, 2013

Gremrue (Near Oslo)

      Having a fun night, in a tepee, in the kid's play area. Pretending to be stuck out in the wilderness. My instructions for our expressions in the photo: Reaction to being lost in a tepee in the wilderness for days.....
and there you have it.

love upon grace upon love

I haven't written an update in awhile!

    Here's some happenings that have been happening here in good ol' Norway:

:o) Exercise! A good amount of us have decided we need more exercise. So, one Sunday we gathered in the dinning room. Two of the boys joined us--they were brave, as we did some "girlie" aerobics exercises in the workout. (But we also did strength.) ;o) The time turned out to be none other than "your's truly" led. So, I ended up improvising and using what I know from jazz class yoga, Pilates, balance and beyond class,  Zumba classes, and whatever else I've learned along the way. It was so much fun, and so good to work out again! (We all felt a bit pathetic, starting to sweat at the very beginning of the workout.) I really enjoy leading exercise and got good feedback afterwards. Two days later some girls and I did another workout to a video I found online. All the girls commented, "We liked it better when you led it Beth." That put a smile on my face. :o) So, I am encouraged to get a bit more organized in my exercise routines and continue to liven' up life here in Alesund with some "gettin' in shape!"

:o) New Years! We had a special New Year's celebration at the base, involving anyone who was back from their home visits over Christmas. It included a Norwegian folk dance led by two Norwegian students and the Virginia Reel led by me-super fun. We played games, had a fancy dinner, and enjoyed being with each other. Alesund is the perfect place to have New Years. People set off beautiful fireworks that go off across the city. Since we're on a mountain, we got to look out over the city at all the sparkling fireworks going off and we hugged each other and blessed the New Year. It was lovely. Afterward we had a time of worship in music and prayer. What a blessing to welcome 2013 with fellow believers loving God.

:o) New Places! After New Year's we packed up and traveled to a city called Gremrue, near Oslo for YWAM's "workers gathering" for all the students and staff in YWAM Norway. It was a 7 hr car trip, so there was a lot of sleeping and snacking. It was neat to  be in a different location-but it was a colder location. I enjoy Alesund's weather, as it's by the sea and doesn't get as cold. In Gremrue I experienced a true white landscape, where even the sky seemed white and the air was crisp and frozen. It was beautiful, but hard to be outside. We stayed there a little over a week, after the conference having a teaching week on missions. It was encouraging to watch films of missionaries going to unreached people groups and really living and loving the people. There were tears in our eyes as we watched on film many people jumping for joy as whole villages came to know and receive God.

:o) My birthday! The most recent happening has been celebrating the day of my birth, Jan 17th. It's my first birthday away from home, and I turned 21, so it was pretty special. I got many hugs (!) and many sweet gifts. My parents sent me a package with some yummy American cookies and cream candy. My friends, poor mission students they may be, bought me goodies, including rootbear (it's known that's the only soda I drink-and it's only in one store here in Alesund.) I got some Dutch cookies, which are some of the best cookies I've ever eaten. Whew. I also received sweet cards of encouragement. And I got two songs written for me! I shall upload one of them, it's a comedic, fun song that represents more of that side of me. ;o) Here is the link to my friend's soundcloud with the song: (You can appreciate the cover art also.) Lot's of wonderful, blessed happenings here in Norway!