Sunday, November 2, 2014

Real Love-Real Dancing

Video Time! 

While traveling to and fro on the T (subway system), this song came up on my phone. My heart was soaring and I was swaying in my seat. I felt the love of God and the joy of being loved and loving him. I thought "I gotta' go home and dance to this!" So-I did. To those who say they can't dance-it doesn't matter folks!! Abandon yourself to the music and love of God. I was inspired to film so you would know-dancers go crazy too, this is not what you call "professional' dancing, it's crazy, fun filled movement cuz I just can't contain my joy! And I want the world to know-it's God's love that has found me, He is real, and my soul exults! (And please laugh at my moves-I'm laughing with you!  ) May you LIVE it up in joy and freedom!  Jesus Party! Turn it up!