Amen! God continues to "free me up" as I listen, learn, love, and am continually humbled in His presence. I'm learning to be authentic, freed "me," while bundled up and freezing in Boston. Yes, it's cold, yes, we have a lot of snow. I could go on about this, but why bother when you can google "snow" and "Boston" will be one of the first things listed?
GOOD NEWS: I received results back for a blood test for a type of natural killer cell in my body that I need a certain amount of. Having Lyme Disease causes these important cells to be depleted. Before (In June) my count was below 41, and a normal count is above 100. I got re-tested when I went home to CA for Christmas break and my count is now at 93! My heart is rejoicing! This good news has meant a lot to me, as I continue to heal from Lyme's and trust that my God is for me. I will write a blog more on my journey with Lyme, but that's for another date.
So what is this post about?
Basically, to let you know I'm still alive and very much kickin'--I haven't froze to death.
I love this area.
I love my community (church and prayer folks)
I am learning to love and open my heart to a new community in my life: the staff and students of YWAM Boston. (I am an intern there for my college internship.)
Love, love, love (Beatles song anyone?) continues to be a theme, a thread in everything the Lord speaks to me. As He teaches, I see that thread of love. As I repent, there is immediate love to be grasped. As I am vulnerable to the spirit and obey, God's delighted love fills my soul.
Love. There's no escaping it.
It's the best thing to be captured by.
In the past month since being back in Boston I have:
.Driven to North Carolina with some precious friends to gather with community and hear what the Lord has to say, feel what He feels, and express dreams and prophetic vision.
.Driven back from North Carolina with a vision for A MARCH IN BOSTON FOR, WHAT ELSE, LOVE. This March, on May 1st, will be a culmination of the "Carry the Love Tour" that some YWAM friends, and us student leaders in Boston, will be participating in through March and April. Carry the Love Tour will visit 80 campuses around the east coast and will be in our neighborhood at the end of April. I'm seriously honored to be a part of the call and action to unify Jesus' beloved body of BELIEVERS.
And I'm stoked about carrying a giant flag that says "Carry the Love" along some of my favorite places in Boston.
.Prayed! I am co-leading two prayer sets this semester, which is fantastic. God never fails when we pursue and listen.
.Been in school. It's true, I'm still in school, and graduating in May. (!) The change in my major has been a breath of fresh air, and I'm enjoying this semester quite a bit. I'm a teaching assistant for one of my favorite classes (going back to my teaching "roots") and currently am working on a theme for my senior "capstone" class-which means getting to explore all types of art and come up with a process and project for the end of the year exhibition.
.Visited the Museum of Fine Arts twice ( far-so much to explore there!), discussed art theory and practice (in one of my fabulous classes) and seen the play "Father Comes Home From the Wars" by Susan Lori Parks. If you're into Civil War history, identity crises, justice topics, provoking drama, good old-time bluegrass sounding music-I would recommend flying out to Boston to see it. Feel free to visit me while you're at it.
*View out of MFA Window*
.Walked through a blizzard more than once. That's just to give me "cool" points. (I can't help the bad jokes, I'm my Father's daughter. :o) ).Had a mini-vacation on Cape Cod with some special friends and got to see Cranberry Bogs for the first time in my life.
*Kelsey, my roommate, on the frozen cranberry bog*
.Interning at YWAM Boston, currently writing the blog, working on collecting and compiling information, and planning a garden to be planted in the spring. :o) Here's a link to the blog I write for their website: Note: I don't write every article.
I shall post some pictures to add to this rather haphazard post. I didn't want to be distant for too long, so I decided to type a quick update for any interested party. ;o) May the peace of God reign in your hearts as you dedicate your days and nights to Him. Much LOVE.
*Rope swinging over the frozen lake*
*My school's main path*
*(This one's for Grandma) Igloo made at and by MIT students*
*Beautiful morning walk to prayer*
*Preparing to drive in a blizzard*
*Philadelphia, PA! *
I am glad to be viewing these scenes from afar (So. CA afar). The photos are cool ... down right cold.